Google Chrome

Tomorrow, September 2/08, is supposed to be Chrome launch day. What is Google Chrome, and why is it important to the web?

Scott McLeod
created a comic for Google to announce this new concept in internet browsing and I've had a full read of it. If it does what it says it will, Chrome will be the biggest paradigm shift in the internet since the development of The Web. Over the last three years I have moved my blogging to Google's blogspot, my email to G-mail, and my newsreader to Google reader. I use Google Webmaster tools to tweak my websites and constantly wish that 'x site' was done better by Google.

I have used Firefox from its beginning, and like Firefox 3 I will be downloading Chrome on Day One. While there doesn't seem to be an organized movement to try to break any records like Firefox, I hope you spread the word and let everyone you know, know. I truly believe that this will change how the web works.

Load times on some of the provided links my be long as this news is snowballing. Another version of the comic is here.
