Cosplay for 04/08/12

Cosplay By: Sasouri & Rayi-kun
Cosplay of: Black Swan's Odile & Odette
Photo By: theDevil
Location: Leipzig Bookfair, Germany
GR 12/11

Cosplay By: Endless Sama
Cosplay of: .Hack's Black Rose
Photo By: Emerald Coast Cosplay
Location: Momocon 2012, Georgia, USA
GA 10

Cosplay By: Callesto
Cosplay of: Brave's Merida
Photo By: Joits
Location: Anime LA, California, USA
ALA 12

Cosplay by:  Shimada Yoko, Janean Hickson,  Alex Rodriguez,  Allison Peare,
Logan Dumonceaux and Cam Buckingham
Cosplaying as: Anne Rice's Armand, Daniel, Louie, Claudia, Lestat and Marius in the background
Photo By: Don McCakill
Location: Tsukino Con 2012, Victoria, Canada
TSU 12/5/10/11/8
